In Case of Emergency, Could Your Loved Ones Find Your Documents?

One of the best gifts that you can give your family is an easy transition after your death or incapacitation. Nobody enjoys thinking about emergency planning, but before you move on to a more pleasant topic, take just a minute to imagine what your family might go through in the case of your death. Grief is difficult enough on its own. Grief combined with uncertainty can cause added pain and unnecessary anxiety. You can prevent this uncertainty. Have you taken some time for emergency planning?
Your Estate
Does your family know how to find your estate documents? Your estate may be the most important part of your emergency planning. These documents, especially your will and other designations, give your family a road map of sorts. Without these documents, they’ll have to make guesses. If you’ve taken the time to gather your estate documents, you know how much effort goes into each decision. Imagine having to make these decisions for somebody else without knowing what that person would have wanted.
Your Assets
Your emergency planning strategy should also include your assets. What should your family do with your assets when you’re no longer with them? Can they use some assets as a source of regular income? Do you have assets that they don’t know about yet, and if so, how will they learn about those assets? Your assets should go to the right people when you die, but that won’t happen if the right people don’t know how to find your documents.
Your Medical Records
Medical records can give a lot of helpful information to your family members. For instance, your children might notice patterns that will help them monitor their own health. Your family will have the information that they need when answering questions from doctors. Your medical records may also provide vital information for insurance purposes.
Emergency Planning
Don’t leave your family struggling to find the documents that they need. Instead, you can keep this information safe while storing all of it in the same place. How? With Legacy Armour’s security. We can help you plan for your future by organizing all of your important information. We store your digital documents in encrypted vaults, keeping them safe from hackers and loss. From there, you can designate your recipients. If anything happens to you, we will automatically deliver your documents straight to your family members or whomever you designate.
Have any questions? We’d be happy to help. Contact Legacy Armour at 1 (844)-UR-LEGACY. Protect your legacy and your family today.